Think… then…. Do
You’ve been budgeting and saving. All good. You’re staying within your budget and your savings are growing as is your retirement account(s), but…… what if something should happen to you?
We all know we are here now, but eventually, we die. The thing is we have no idea when, so you should be prepared for the ‘what if’, the ‘just in case’ the inevitable happens sooner rather than later. It’s easy to do, and best not to chance leaving your hard earned savings in limbo and then the state will take over and divvy it all up to relatives or those you don’t want it to go. There is a ‘listing’ of the order in which it goes to these individuals.
It’s best you choose. You have the chance to do that now, and it can always be adjusted for life changes (marriage, a new child, divorce, or if you no longer want a certain person(s) to inherit your savings.
First, put anything you can into a ‘Revocable Trust’, and put a beneficiary(s) on everything you can. A Trust is usually drawn up by a lawyer, but can be done using download trusts found online and is legal is some states. Revocable means you can change your mind about what is already in the Trust should you decide to do that. A Trust is also private. And, it does not go through Probate so there are no court costs.
Start with any banking accounts…. put beneficiaries on each. There is no cost to do this. A retirement account, in some cases, can also have beneficiaries at no cost, so check, and do.
Doing this will give you peace of mind knowing that your financials will get into the right hands, (the ones you chose), should the need arise.