Online shopping can ruin your budget.
Used to be if you wanted/needed something, you had to get ready, and drive to the store to get it. Now, with the internet….and there are many, many wonderful things we have now to thank for the internet, however, shopping online, and the convenience of it, can truly ruin your finances.
It is so easy, any time of day or night, to open your computer and scroll until you see something you want/need, and often will, as you scroll through, see other things and click onto the ‘add to cart’ button.
And so, the one thing, becomes two or maybe three, with a charge for your account that needs to be paid within 30 days. So, did you even think of the cost to your budget bottom line??????
The items will, within a day or two, arrive at your door….. the bill for these things will arrive within the next 30 days, and, unless you have the money to pay for the whole order, the finance charges for them will arrive 60 days and beyond…..
So….. before you shop online,……..before you click on the ‘add to cart’ button……. know, for a fact, that you can pay in full for the items you’re putting ‘in the cart’.
Stick to your budget…… be disciplined……. it’s to your benefit.