Prepare …… you’ll need to clean sweep your finances
Prepare now for your Financial Future. Save every penny you can. You won’t be sorry you did.
The word BUDGET is extremely important. It will be mentioned numerous times throughout these pages. Scramble the letters in budget, and you’ll find the word DEBT. Always remember ….. If you find yourself in DEBT, you most definitely need to BUDGET. Scramble the word again, and you’ll find the word DUE. The payment is due. Scramble again and there’s BUT. And remember….there are no buts about it. Budget! Another word you’ll find it GET. So, GET GOING! BUDGET!
Create a budget……and stick to it. Go over your expenses, all of them. Some, like rent/mortgage is a set expense. But the heat/light, cable, phone, and even food can be pared down. Use the money you were able to pare off your bill by paying off your outstanding debt. Once you pay off a debt…and you will….save that amount. As soon as you receive it, put it in your savings Each month, continue to pare down anything you can.
Until……. (you notice the word ‘If’ isn’t used)….. Until you pay off your debt, you have to learn to live on just necessities . The phrases ‘I want’, ‘I need’, ‘I have to have’, are phrases of the past.
Living on a budget means you’ll now be spending less. And the money you’re now not spending, is the money you’ll now use to pay off your outstanding debt.
Depending on how much outstanding debt you are carrying, will depend on how long you must live on bare bones. But, honestly, as you see your debt pile dwindle, living on bare bones won’t bother you at all….because you’ll actually feel better. Stress drags you down and affects your physical and mental health. You will notice the difference.
Your goal is to become debt free. It is possible. This can happen. You will make it happen. You can do this.