Financial balancing relieves stress
Simplifying. It is the springboard to clearing out, getting rid of clutter. Think about it, when you clean a room, organize a closet, clear the kitchen counters, there’s a satisfaction to seeing it all done. One of those…..”Ahhh, nice!” moments.
The same is true with your finances. When you’re finances are cluttered in debt, not only the worry of how to pay the bills stacked up, but the worry is there too about the bills still coming in, those you know are on the way, along with added interest charges. Once you get a handle on the fact you have a problem, that you’ve been ‘living beyond your means’, and how to organize your finances using clear cut ways to plan your strategy by making a spreadsheet or balance sheet, whichever works for you, creating a workable budget for yourself, and sticking to it, then, and only then will you find your path to financial balance. In turn, you will relieve a huge amount of stress in your life.
First rule is ….. Other than living necessities, do not buy anything.
Sort the bills into piles….Essentials (rent/mortgage, heat/light, food, health), you get the picture. These are the ones you must stay on top of to sustain yourself, and keep a roof over your head.
Credit card bills in another pile. They do have to be taken care of. You purchased, and are now responsible for whatever is on them. Call the Customer Service of each card, and explain that you aim to pay it off, and is there any way they can help. Some say yes, some say no.
Remember, you made the purchases. Start with the highest interest rate, work on getting rid of that one first, but, do not neglect the others. Continue to pay each, preferably more than the minimum amount due, and certainly before the due date. Most companies receive two deliveries of mail each day. Even if they receive your payment on the due date, if they post payments received after the first shipment of mail comes in, and your check is received on the due date, but not received until the second mail delivery, it will not be posted until the next day…… meaning you are a day late. This, of course, will add a late fee on next months’ bill. Avoid this by paying as soon as you receive notice of the bill, whether online or in the mail.
Paring down, budgeting, and paying off your bills, before they’re due, will get you on a cycle of discipline you will continue throughout your lifetime. Sticking to your budget will bring you the ability to save, thus relieving you of the stress you thought you couldn’t get rid of.
You can do this! It’s easier than you might think. Really.