Simplify Your Life

Simplify — Eliminate clutter in your life

Look around your home…is there anything you can truly get along without?  Start there and keep going.  If you haven’t used an item in a year, chances are, you won’t use in the next.  So, give it to someone who can use it, sell it, donate it, or toss it.  Now move on to the next item you don’t use…. and keep going.  Do one room at a time, but if you notice something in another, then don’t hesitate, get rid of it.

There is a satisfaction that comes when you look around and see a cleared out room.  Even if you’re re-arranging a closet or drawers, when things are airy and clear of clutter, you can find things easily, because you can actually see what is there.

We have all been guilty of purchasing things that we ‘needed’, yet never used, or used once.  Now is the time to stop doing that.  Use the 14 day rule…. if you see something you desperately ‘need’/’want’, wait 14 days and see if that still holds true.  Guaranteed you’ll not purchase it every time.

This will help in stopping the unnecessary spending.  Put the money you didn’t spend on it, into your savings.

Each week, take 15 minutes to go over your budget.  Any excess money should immediately be set aside to put towards paying down your outstanding debt, or of you’re all paid off there, then immediately deposit the excess in your budget into your savings.

Consistently keep up with doing this and in no time, you’ll be living clutter free and have either your bills paid down/off or your savings growing.

Clutter free means stress free living.