Simplify Your Home

A less cluttered home means a less cluttered mind.

As you prepare your home for the holiday season it’s a good time to toss out old or tattered decorations… if not packed away properly after use, they tend to get crushed or broken.  Anything you no longer use (or want), get toss or give away. When you take it all down after the holidays, only keep what you truly love.

The next thing to tackle is the kitchen…. duplicate gadgets or rarely or never used small appliances….these take up lots of space and if only used once (or never), it’s time they go too. This give you more cabinet and drawer space…which gives you easy visibility into the space.

The closet…. If you haven’t worn an item in 2 years (would be 1 year normally, but with the pandemic we all dressed a bit more ‘at home casual’). Also, if it doesn’t fit properly, time to donate it.  Don’t wait for the weight loss rule….let it go.  And if you don’t love the item on you, let it go too…even if it fits. If a relative or friend is your size, and they clear their closet, maybe a clothes swap could be a fun way to get together.

Footwear…. Don’t keep any that you can’t wear all day long in comfort. If your feet hurt when you wear them, don’t keep them.

Having a less cluttered closet keeps what you do keep pretty much wrinkle free when hanging, because there’s a bit of space between each item.

Rooms… If you’re not a good housekeeper, you really need to de-clutter. Nick-knacks need dusting, so pick a few favorites and put only one or at most two things on a table (besides the lamp). You can switch things around to another room where you can enjoy it there and change out the decor. Sometimes the item is more noticed when you put it in another area. The idea is to keep it simple and airy looking.

The idea is to use what you have…… don’t re buy… save the money you’d be spending on new items and watch it grow.