Multi Generations Living Together

All should know…. cost and chores are shared

Years ago it was the ‘norm’ for generations of families to live together. If a husband passed away, a relative, usually a brother, nephew or single aunt, would move in to share the cost of rent and food and help with the children so the widow could get a job doing laundry/housework outside the home. That type of living arrangement seems to have vanished over the decades, but now it’s making a comeback.

Before the relative, whether a parent(s), or older child moves back home, all should sit down and openly and candidly talk of the living arrangements.  Is this a long term, permanent, or short temporary time-frame… If it’s short term, how long, and get it in writing, signed by all parties concerned. An agreeable and reasonable amount set that the ‘new’ person is expected to pay and when.. each month …without asking for it, should be decided.

The room(s) or section of the home set aside for their use and upkeep of it should be discussed. The laundry and responsibility for it also discussed. Purchasing of food, and cost sharing for it, as well as cooking and clean-up of the kitchen is also a must.  Upkeep of the yard, as well as chores around the house (if a TV room is shared etc), is also on the list of discussions.

If the one moving in is still young, set some rules/guidelines for entertaining friends as well as reasonable limits for noise.  All should be respectful of others. And although that should go without saying, say it.

If there are children, and if it’s a grandparent moving in, what a bonus for all!  Usually a willing babysitter, a grandchild is a gift to a grandparent, and they have some wonderful stories to tell of times gone by. Time is a gift, and time between a grandparent and grandchild is golden.

At least once a month, more if necessary, all should sit and talk. Keep the discussion light, but address any budding issues. It’s just to make sure everything is going smoothly and according to ‘plan’.  If there are any questions, or if something specific needs to be addressed, bring it up….   nip it in the bud.

Multi generation living arrangements help all financially.  It eases rent/mortgage for the person(s) sharing their home.  The money received each month for ‘rent and food’, can go towards paying down outstanding credit cards, or better yet, savings/retirement accounts. Get disciplined right away on where the money goes…..

It is also a financial bonus for the one moving in….. it probably cuts their previous expenses considerably.  If so….. money that was previously spent can now be put into savings.

The main thing is to have everyone know and agree to the arrangements before the moving truck arrives.  And if it’s a short-term set-up, make sure that when the time is up, they should move out….unless an extension is agreed upon by all parties.

The rainbow in all this is bringing families closer and making new memories.