How you can cut back on gift giving…..
To give and receive a gift is always nice…. it shows the recipient that you appreciate them, what they mean to you, or your appreciation for how they’ve treated you are some.
To receive a gift is a good feeling because it shows how someone appreciates you. This is all good…… but can be expensive.
Add up all the gifts you give during the year,…. Birthdays, Christmas, Weddings, Showers, New Home, New Baby, Anniversaries, and the list goes on. And, as nice a gesture as it is, it can, get out of hand.
So, don’t pretend you can keep up with all this…… it will put you into debt.
The better plan is to cut back. Be the person that starts the gift giving conversation with family and friends…. and, surely there will be some sighs of relief it was brought up.
Some ideas are to do a grab at Christmastime….. With an agreed set price point for a gift, put names in a hat….. each of those who want to, and can, put their name in and draw a name from the hat. Then, buy a gift for that person only. This can also be done long distance….. with one person who will add the names to the hat and with a list in hand, draw a name, writing the drawn name next to the first on the list, then the second and so on. Then either get together, or mail the gift to the recipient. Each person gives and gets a gift!
Birthday gifts can be given up to the age of 18. And children’s parties can be limited to special friends of the child rather than the whole class.
Wedding, showers etc can be given, but set a price limit for each. And Anniversaries can be a nice dinner out.
And remember, its’ always nice to call and wish them well on the special day, or send a card for the occasion….. The idea is to remember the day, and enjoy the giving….. not to worry about how you’re going to pay for the gift.