We all have it….but we don’t always use it
Common sense is the logical way of doing something to get the best results in the smartest, and usually easiest way possible. We all possess it, in one way or another, and we all use it to one degree or another.
It is, in itself, an education. There are those who live on it.
Most, if not all, use it every day. Common sense tells us if we step out into traffic, we could get hit by a car. Or if we take a pan out of the oven without using potholders, we’ll burn our hands. These, and hundreds of other examples are ways of using common sense. We even teach children, at a young age to use it…. put on your jacket so you won’t be cold, tie you shoelaces so you won’t trip, if you save one hundred pennies, you will have a dollar and so on…and every penny counts…it’s all common sense. You get it.
The point is, if you live beyond you means, spending money that is not there….. that you do not have, knowing this yet still doing this, common sense will tell you that you will be, if you aren’t already, digging a financial hole for yourself….one that not only, depending on how much debt you’re in, can take years to get out of. And the stress it causes can take its’ toll on your health. Hopefully, you like yourself enough not to do this to yourself.
Reading pages posted herein, will, using common sense, help keep you from getting into a financial hole, where you can choose the ideas that will work best for you and your budget as you move forward, while saving in a way that will bring you to having enough for retirement.
Or, if you already find yourself in a financial hole, again using common sense, choose ideas that will help get you out and with continued discipline on your part can put you on a path to freedom from debt. And then, moving forward, you too will be saving for your retirement. Each person has their reason(s) why and how it happened, but surely you didn’t have getting into debt as a goal. With hard work on your part, and determination, you too can become debt free. You need to do the work. You need to be continually and consistently budget savvy. It takes discipline…….
It’s common sense.