A Penny Saved

Every cent counts…..it’s common sense

Have you ever taken change out of your pocket or purse and set it aside in a jar?  Most have.  They’d do this each day or so without a thought, and then find a bigger jar as it was filling up, setting it aside in the corner, tossing change in it on a regular basis.

Then, they’d lug it to the bank or roll the coins themselves….and were pleasantly surprised at the total there. The same holds true with a savings account.  It starts small, but when added to on a continual basis….as much as you can comfortably put aside, it will become second nature….a very good habit.  Remember, every penny counts.

Pay yourself first…. Even when reducing your outstanding debt, add a few dollars to your savings.  You will not only be getting into the habit of doing it, but when your debt is paid off, you should now put the amount you had been using to pay off the debt and add it into your already opened savings account….as though you were still paying the debt.

Now, watch it grow (in your savings account).  And remember, the figure each month you see in the savings, is yours…not the creditors.  It also shows you how much you wasted over time, paying late fees and or interest fees.  Lesson learned.

Savings takes discipline then becomes second nature.  Do this for yourself, you deserve it.