2020 ~~ A Tough Year

Who Would Have Thought?!?

2020 began as any other year in our past.  But within the first 10 weeks, we were hearing references to words never before associated with our lives….. Pandemic, lock down, masks, virtual schooling and meetings, and of course, social distancing.

Maybe some thought ‘ never happening here’, while others listened, planned, and shopped — for supplies they thought they’d need should these rumblings be true.

As we soon learned, it was all too true.  A Pandemic – worldwide, was heading straight for us.  Before we knew it, people were strongly urged to stay at home, shelter in place, and if it was truly necessary to go out… for work, food shopping, or doctor appointments, that was still alright, but anything beyond that… our regular routines of gathering, restaurant dining, browsing at the mall, and even schools were now off limits.

And, it stayed this way, and in many instances, worsened. Now states were shutting down businesses, travel was curtailed, workers who could work from home did so remotely, while others were laid off. Technology took over and became necessary as schools were closed and children learned from home using the internet.  Nothing….. was normal.  When we did go out, we wore masks, often gloves, and used sanitizer on our hands constantly.

A huge thank you to front line workers, hospitals, police, fire, mail carriers, pharmacies, trash collectors, janitors, home building supply stores, gas stations, food stores, delivery truckers, public transportation workers, and all the staff necessary for these businesses who stayed on the job, so we could get care and supplies needed, and live as close to normal as possible. And apologies if I neglected any group of workers. Thank you all.

And though we had never dreamed that this could ever happen in our lifetime, we know now, in fact, it can…… and had. Most tried to follow the rules and suggestions to keep not only themselves and their family safe from getting this deadly and highly contagious virus, as we waited for a vaccine to emerge, but it helped keep ‘the other guy’ safe too….. as this virus was the invisible enemy.  Some people unknowingly had the disease, sans symptoms, and so, were carriers.

Going out only for necessities, or an outing where we would keep within our own family circle, while safe distancing from others, it was a worry that we might come in too close contact with someone who was an unknown carrier.

During our staying indoors, for days, weeks, then months, some used this time wisely to hone a craft they enjoyed but never found the time to do.  Others utilized their free time to start a business they always wanted to do.  The internet is a wealth of information and even if you knew nothing about a subject or craft, you can find the ‘how to’s’ ….. online.

What, I believe, we all learned is …..  Never take anything for granted.  Our lives can change in a flash. Staying indoors, in some cases in close quarters with our families for long stretches of time, hopefully has brought us to enjoying each others’ company, and learning that we really can get along without all the ‘stuff’, all the entertaining, and hopefully, too, have learned to budget, spending less, and saving more.  These are the silver linings in all this.

And what you can do for you own peace of mind is have all your financial matters taken care of.  So many lives lost, all ages, and having everything set for your loved ones should the unthinkable happen is important.  It will take some of the stress of this time off your shoulders, giving you more time to enjoy the closeness of your family.  Stay healthy, stay safe.

Looking forward to a brighter and pandemic free 2021.