What to toss / What to keep.
We all like to get rid of excess paperwork. But…. before you do read this….
Always keep: 7 years of tax records — both State and Federal, keep all W2’s from your employment history (one for each year, but if you worked 2 or 3 jobs in any given year, keep those 2 or 3 as well.) —- These are proof that you worked and contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund and will be your proof should there be a discrepancy when you apply for Social Security.
Keep…. Originals of Birth Certificates, Adoption Records, Name Change records, Marriage Certificates, Divorce court records, Divorce NiISI, Social Security Card, Health Insurance card, Medicare card,
Keep….. Car records, Purchase slip, payments records (when car is paid in full, keep first and last payment stubs. Keep the Title (you can’t sell the car without it). It’s also a good idea to keep any payments made for work done on the car, such as the upkeep of oil changes, and any parts that were needed and replaced. This shows a record of good upkeep of the vehicle.
Keep….. Mortgage records…. payment statements, and keep (don’t burn). that final payment statement … people did this years ago, they’d ‘burn the mortgage’. !!!! Keep it…. it’s called the mortgage discharge.
Keep…… the W2 statement from each year you worked. Also the final pay stub from each job you worked in each year you worked. This shows proof when you apply for Social Security. They will have a record, but sometimes there is a discrepancy, and having these slips shows proof of your employment.
Keep….. any Retirement Funds records, and the final bank statement from the current year.
These should all be kept in a safe place.