New Year = Readjust Your Budget


Paying yourself first is a must….. it means you think enough of yourself to save for your future.

If you think that Social Security will be there for you…..think again…..  as it stands now, by 2034 those receiving Social Security will have their benefit lowered by approximately 25%.  And with so many people not working (and not putting into the Social Security System, that figure is sure to be more than a 25% cut or happen much sooner than 2034….. it’s common sense.

That said, it’s imperative you pay yourself first.

And, you need to get rid of your outstanding debt.  Pay it all off so that you are debt free with only the monthly bills to pay.  Doing this means you’re not paying any finance charges, thus saving money there…… a no brainer.

Being debt free is a great feeling…… it leaves you financially stress free.

Buying only what you know you can pay for – in full – when the bill comes due is the only way to handle purchases.  So, if you can’t pay for it, don’t buy it.

You may need to squander a bit until you get it all paid off, but in the end, you’ll be so much happier.