Pay Yourself First !!!!
This is a must if you are (or want to be) a serious saver!
Try for 10% of your pay, but if that’s not possible yet then try for 9%.
The idea is to save as much as you possibly can from your paycheck before you start to pay your expenses. This will mean that while your savings is growing, you are being more careful with what you have left to spend on essentials.
Keeping your savings accounts separate is essential too. It will keep you focused on what you have saved in each (as they all will need to be at different levels).
You’ll have to decide what your plans are for the future (at least the next 5 years), and what you’d need in money to get to those goals.
You may want to save for college or a home or car…. and don’t forget a retirement account (that time of your life creeps up much quicker than you think)!
Whatever your goals, start saving…… seriously saving. You have only you to depend on to do this.
It is why you need to think ahead…. set goals….. and start saving to make those goals reality.