How Your Credit Score Affects You

Check and Keep Your Credit Score High

Years past there were no credit cards….. everyone paid by cash.  Actually it was a good thing, because if you didn’t have the cash, you didn’t buy the item.  A perfect way to stay within budget.

Remembering back, my Dad was buying a new car. He had the cash and brought it to the car dealer. But the car dealer said ‘you need credit’…. to which my Dad answered, “But I have the cash.”  No…. he needed credit.

He put a down payment of cash towards the car, paying the rest ‘on time’. And he opened up his first credit card (this was in the 1960’s).

The credit card was through a large department store (still open but under a different name). And I don’t believe he ever used it.  However, I did.  I was a recent high school graduate and was working in the city where the store was located.  Dad told me I could use the card (he’d given my name to the credit department at the store, and the rule was (Dad’s rule was):  “You can use the card. Ask me for it and use it for your purchase. When you get home from work, put the card on my bureau, and on Friday (when I got paid), put the money for the item(s) along with the sales slip(s) on my bureau so that when the bill comes in, I can pay it in full.

This was the one and only time he said this. I used the card often, followed his rule, and he had an excellent credit score because of it.

I, however, learned a lifelong lesson……  I learned how to properly use a credit card.  I’ve done so for 6 decades, and never, not once, have I ever had to pay a late fee or a finance charge.  Dad’s advice was the best advice and because of it, I have saved potentially thousands of dollars because I learned from that first purchase.

So, use a credit card, buy only what you know you can pay for when the bill comes in. Pay it in full and on time avoiding late fees and finance charges and when you check on your credit score, you will be pleasantly surprised.

You credit score will allow you (if it’s high), to get a loan, an apartment, a mortgage etc. These places can and do check to see what kind of a risk you are.

If you can’t follow these simple rules, don’t use a credit card!  It’s for your own benefit.