Don’t lose/give out your personal information…
We all have personal information, and once you are old enough to know that, you are old enough to know that you shouldn’t give it to anyone, and you should keep it in a secure place.
Birth certificates, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, credit/debit card numbers, pin numbers, and passwords are just some of how we are identified. That said, if someone gets hold of your cards/information, they can do a lot of damage….using your name to do it.
Make copies of all your important numbers etc, and put them in a safe place.
Should you lose/misplace your card(s), notify the bank or institution letting them know. They can put a ‘Stop’ on your account, and replace your card with a new one, with a new number. If for instance it was a debit card, they’ll send a new card and transfer the money in your account from the lost/stolen card onto your new card.
You should also look around thoroughly and if you were out and about, retrace your steps. Ask at the places you were if anyone turned it in. Also, go to the police station and ask there. There are some honest people in the world.
First job? You’ll get a pay stub with each paycheck showing you how your earnings were shared with taxes and FICA payments and what is left for you.
Remember to save something from each and every paycheck. Start right away and continue. It’s an easy habit to get in to and you won’t miss what you don’t have.