Start clearing out…….
If your home has too much in it… too much furniture, too many clothes, duplicates (or more) of the same things…… then it’s time to de-clutter.
We often, and unconsciously, collect things we truly don’t need or won’t use…it’s human nature. But what it does actually is it brings stress into your life. Your home gets bogged down with stuff. Stuff you bought because of instant gratification, or trinkets you bought on a trip, or clothes purchased on sale because of the price, but actually don’t fit properly, or worse, you don’t love on you. Again, human nature.
If it’s knick-knacks, it means you have to dust them, if it’s clothes your closet is jammed with unworn items causing an ironing job each time you wear an item, or shoes and boots have become a mountain of those you forgot you had and so bought another pair (hidden at the bottom of the pile). Or maybe it’s kitchen items you have duplicates of, or gadgets you use only at holidays or maybe once or not at all.
If any of this sounds familiar, then it’s time to clear things out. And though it could appear as an ominous task, just take it category by category….. your bureau one day, your shoes another, closet next, kitchen another day and so on.
As you do this, think of the money you spent on all this stuff…… okay, lesson learned.
Start clearing, see if you know someone who can use the item, or donate it to a shelter (they can use most anything, even hangers). Doing so, gives you a dual good feeling, your home is becoming clutter free and you’ve helped others.
Moving forward only purchase what you truly love, truly need. Stop impulse buying or buying something just because it’s on sale or that you’ll barely use. Think of the cost and how much use you’ll get from the item….. If it costs $50. and you use it once, it costs $50 for its’ use, but if it costs $50. and you use it dozens of times then it’s a small cost for its’ use.
With less clutter in your life, you will have less stress……and more money in your savings account.