This early to do tip may help avoid a strain in the budget.
Babies are cute….and costly. Sometimes finding they’ll be arriving just over the horizon comes as a surprise, while others are more or less planned for. In either case, there is approximately 9 months to get used to, and prepare for, the new arrival. But, if possible, plan this ahead.
If there are two incomes now, that will change — maybe for a few weeks or months, or maybe permanently – so one or the other of the couple can stay home with the baby full time.
If the Mom is returning to work in a short time, there will be child care costs. And further on, day care, or pre-Kindergarten. All very costly….. because you want to choose only the best for your child.
If you are one of the couples who get to plan the upcoming event, several months before you make set plans, figure if doing this…or doing this now…will fit into your budget. Babies need diapers….tons of diapers,, wipes, washcloths, formula, clothing, car seat, crib, highchair, some stimulating toys, not to mention all the doctor visits for check ups and shots etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on ….and grows…and grows….getting more expensive as the child grows. These are definite, normal, known costs that have to be added into the budget.
So, before all is said and done, whichever of you will be staying home for whatever length of time you will, starting now, take that paycheck…the paycheck of the one to stay home…put it away in a savings account. Do so for a few months, to be sure….to make sure….you can live with only the paycheck of the other….. But don’t forget to add in all the baby things, because there will be three living with one income. And don’t use the money you’re putting aside from the stay-at-home parent. Remember, all expenses will come from only the one income.
Because this is how you will have to budget once the baby comes, it’s best to know you can handle it that way beforehand. The money from the other paycheck can be a start to their college fund…. but remember, each child you have should also have a college fund….and, and. and. Each child needs these things, some can be handed down, but some can’t.