Keeping categories separate lets you see at a glance.
Save first. Once you’ve put your savings into their allotted accounts, separate your budgeted money into three categories… Rent/Mortgage, Regular Bills, and Occasional Bills. Open a checking account for each one. Doing so, keeps you ‘on target’ with money in each when the bill comes in.
Rent/Mortgage: Meaning your ‘overhead expense’ – Rent, or if you have a mortgage (which includes PITI (Principal, Interest, R.E. Taxes, Insurance), and Condo Fees if you own a condo.
Regular Bills: Meaning monthly bills, the ‘Have to’s’ … Heat, Light, Food, Health Insurance Premiums, Phone, Car or transit costs, internet.
Occasional Bills: Meaning annual, semi-annual insurances, RMV excise tax etc. Clothing, entertainment, gift giving are in this category too, however, these can be trimmed to the bone, or omitted. Get along with the clothing you have, Drastically cut entertainment and gift giving. Your goal here is to get out of debt, save every penny you can. You can do this.
After having made your budget, figure how much of your income should go in each category, and deposit that amount in the appropriate account each payday. When paying a particular bill, withdraw it from…only…that account category.
Doing so keeps things in order. It allows you to, at a glance, know exactly if, and where, you’re falling short and the need to re-evaluate your budget…immediately.
A suggestion for all, but especially the rent/mortgage account – begin with a ‘cushion’… some extra money. Costs rise – the cushion will help while you re-evaluate your budget accordingly.
Rent/Mortgage Account -start out with, or add to it – an extra month or two of your ‘overhead’ cost….this insures the roof over your head, meaning there is excess there should condo fees or real estate taxes rise….or if your rent rises, it also means, should you move, money is there for that ‘overlap’ of the moving month, and the deposit needed for the new place.
Continually check and recheck your budget. Recalculate so there is always enough in each account….seeing at a glance where your spending can be whittled down. When done regularly it takes about 15 minutes, keeping you financially savvy and aware of where your money goes.