Every penny saved is common sense.
The one regret a lot of people have is that they didn’t start saving early. Another one is that they spent foolishly…. on things that were just a whim or completely unnecessary.
If you fall into this category, start now…. change your spending habits and save every cent. For at least a while, live frugally…. or possibly live frugally from now on.
Stop grabbing a coffee on your way to wherever…. fill a travel mug with coffee made at home.
Stop buying snacks and lunch out…. pack a lunch of leftovers to reheat at work, or make a salad or sandwich to bring along. Add a few cookies or other dessert and a take along bottle of water.
Stop buying snacks at the grocery store…. at about $5. a bag, and mindless dipping into the bag, snacks become pricey. Instead cut up vegetables, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes etc or make popcorn. These are not only cheaper but better for you.
Cut down on gift giving. As nice as it is to give and/or receive gifts, it can get out of hand. Decide on, and stick to, a price limit (or forgo the gift giving altogether. There will be those who may audibly sigh in relief that ‘someone’ started the ball rolling in that direction.
Cut back on entertaining….. or …. have each person bring something for all to enjoy. Sometimes a ‘theme’ can be agreed on, such as a potluck dish or Italian, or Chinese, or just cheese and crackers and wine. Each person/couple bring enough for themselves and then share all.
When grocery shopping, don’t go when your’e hungry…because you’re apt to buy snacks etc you don’t really want/need. Check for mark down bakery, produce and other sundry items… if you don’t see them, ask the manager.
These are but a few of ways you can save on unnecessary/careless spending.
And remember,…. Save something from every paycheck….. hopefully 10%.