Simplifying = Less Stress
Spring cleaning your home is such a refreshing feeling….. it looks clear and breezy. The same holds true with all aspects of your life. Use what you have without buying more or something similar. Put accent pieces in another room and even small furniture pieces can be changed to another area. It gives a whole new feeling without spending money. This way, you don’t collect clutter that you’ve tucked away in a closet or cabinet only to be tossed a few years later.
Clear out your closets…. whatever you haven’t worn, or what is either to large or too small, bring to goodwill or a shelter where the item(s) can be used by others. Having room in your closet(s), allows clothes to air and reduces wrinkles. And, because you haven’t worn the item(s), you won’t even miss them.
Keep only what you use. Do this around your whole home. When you’re done, it is such a satisfying feeling. It’s one of those ‘Ahhh moments’.
Keep your finances uncluttered too. Use up what you have without buying new, and the money that you save can go directly to your savings. That, too, is a good feeling!
Set aside even a half hour every other day to clear a drawer or two, a cabinet, or start on a closet. You’ll be glad you did.
Keeping your life clutter free leaves more time for you to spend enjoying time with family and friends…. a bonus!