Nuts and Bolts….A Financial Guideline

Some wise tips to learn early…. but it’s never too late

  1. Start saving early….. every cent counts.

2. Do not amass credit card debt… what you purchase with a credit card, you pay for in full               and before the due date.

3. Begin a retirement account(s) as soon as you can. Add the maximum allowable.

4. Don’t try to keep up with the crowd.  Their ‘norm’ for spending might be more than you can         handle.  Don’t pretend you have money.

5. Live within your income.  Pay yourself first and save it.  Be disciplined with budgeting.

6. Scrutinize your bills…. know what you’re paying for.

7. Keep a paper check register, and balance it yourself… the penny….. continually.

8. Set realistic financial goals, and save consistently to make them happen.

9. When you get a pay raise, save it…. you got along without it before you got it.

10. Keep your life simple.  Your finances will fall into place in that way too.