Stuff happens……. expect the unexpected
Things can change quickly – in the blink of an eye. Circumstances can change along with your priorities. Because of what is now facing you, you have to shuffle things around, making things work while you’re figuring things out. You’re not alone. It happens to everyone at one time or another. The thing is if you’ve been planning and preparing all along, the stress of what happens in life will be a little less stressful…if not, you can still get through this….just differently.
First….. take a few deep breaths. Focus on what is important.
If you find yourself out of work, your immediate goal is to keep a roof overhead, and food in the fridge. If you know it will be a length of time, call your landlord or mortgage lender. Explain the circumstance, and see if they can accept a different payment option.
You will still have to pay for your rent/mortgage in full, but letting them know of the situation you’re in might get you extended payment dates, or less payment each month until you can catch up.
It’s probably a hard phone call for you to make, but put your pride in your pocket, stay calm, focused, and understanding to their side too. Your rent/mortgage goes to payments they pay out. It’s the chain of money.
And no matter the outcome of the call, say thank you, thank you for your time and understanding. If you got a negative answer in the phone call, you may get a call back in a few days after they’ve thought of your plight, and have now come up with a payment plan you can both work out.
Make phone calls to any creditors, car loans, credit cards, etc. Keep all up to date of any progress being made. They make notes on your account, which will stop creditors from calling.
Food in the fridge….. Use what you have on hand. Be recipe creative. At the supermarket avoid the snack aisle. Eat less meat, eat more vegetables. Keep meals simple yet nourishing. And do not waste any food. Use leftovers within a few days, if not, freeze to use at a later date, maybe when you’re busy….just pull out the leftovers and reheat. No cooking that night. Leftovers in the fridge or freezer do not mean from a night of dining out or take out… cooking at home is cheaper.
Living on bare bones….. This can and needs to be done now. No coffee stops, no quick stops for incidentals, no manicures/pedicures, no hairdresser, massages etc. No eating out, take out, movies, shopping sprees…. nothing…..other than your overhead, and food (cooked at home). Of course, medical/dental as needed is a necessity. The idea is, you have no income, so don’t spend what you don’t have. Don’t do that to yourself. Because if you do, it has to be paid, by you, adding in interest, late fees, and the vicious cycle of debt is added to your plate.
This too shall pass. Think positive thoughts.