Be A Penny Pincher

Every penny counts….. it’s common sense!

Save.  Save.  Save….

Be frugal…… and though some may find that to be not a good thing……  It is!!!!!

Inflation is staggering.  Everything has risen in cost to us, so the alternative is to penny pinch.  Do not buy what is not truly needed.  There are some obvious ways to save…… no eating out with the exception of maybe birthdays or anniversaries.  Stop take out meals as well as coffee stops.  Meals (and coffee) made at home are far cheaper.  Do this for a month and see the difference in money remaining in your budget at the end of the month.

With gas prices so high, make a list of errands and do all in one trip, stopping at the grocers, bank, library, gas station etc.

Cut out the cable…… there are so many things to stream these days (and with so many things to see) that with just 2 streaming companies, there will be more than enough for the whole family to enjoy.  And most everyone has a mobile phone, so what is the reason to keep the landline?…. the ‘bundle’ they use for that excuse is a very costly bill for you (with numerous stations you don’t watch….ever!  So cut the cord with the cable company. The internet is needed, so only get that.  The bill for just internet and 2 (or even 3) streaming services is far less than your cable bill.

Don’t waste food.  Eat leftovers…. or freeze for another night you’re pinched for time cooking.

Cut back or out of gift giving……. Most people will be fine with that, in fact grateful you made the suggestion.

These are only a few of the ‘Common Cents’ things you can do during these times.

And don’t be fooled by those who say that prices will go back down……..   It just won’t happen!