Are You Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

You need to redo your budget….

Sometimes we think there’s nothing else I can take away….. but if you scrutinize your budget, there’s always something you can do without or at least trim back…..   We know the essential expenses…. rent/mortgage, heat, light, phone, medical, gasoline are the necessities which are there every month.

But the other things, cable, gift giving, eating out, getting coffee, lunches, take-out suppers, and even some groceries can be cut back. Some completely, and others sporadically.

Make coffee at home, and put it in a travel mug, make lunches from leftovers and enjoy them. Cook easy quick meals and save $$ on take-out dinners. Stop buying bagged snack items…they’re expensive and one can go through a bag without even thinking. Cut back on your cable bill, probably even drastically as there are so many cheaper apps with tons of programs to choose from. If you take walks or exercise you can do that instead of sitting watching TV, and it’s better for your health.

Cut back or cut completely gift giving. As nice as it is to give/receive gifts, if it’s cutting into your budget and paying your bills and saving, then it’s time to cut back on them. If you really think you need to give a gift to someone special, then have them over for dinner with a special dessert, or make muffins they can bring to work.  Or if your crafty, make something you made especially for them.  Any of these things will be much appreciated (and they may also need to cut back and didn’t want to say).  People do understand even if you just say your budget needs some trimming.

The essential thing is to pick your budget apart, and cut back every dollar you possibly can. There will come a day when you’ll be retired and you’ll say to yourself “I wish I saved something from every dollar I got”.

Start saving now, as much as you possibly can.  Be disciplined and it will become a habit.