Make sure you’re both on the same financial page….
Since finances are always a bone of contention at some point during a marriage, before you tie the knot is when you should seriously discuss finances to make sure you’re both on the same page.
If one is a spender and the other a saver, it is a bad idea to move forward with plans until you each put all your debts, accounts, and how you handle them out in the open. Don’t hold anything back…. no secrets…. or you will be found out sometime down the road. Better to tell all now, and if you spend /or save differently, budget differently, pay bills differently, now is the time to bare all.
You both need to be on the same page with finances. If one has no debt and the other has a lot (or staggering debt), now is the time to find out and hold off on the big day until, and if, the debt is paid off.
After all, once you say ‘I do”, their debt automatically becomes yours! And, would of course, bring down your credit score.
Also, if one can handle money and budgets better than the other, then that one can oversee bill paying, but the other should always be included so that he/she will also know where the money goes (and hopefully learn how to handle money and bill paying properly.
The idea is to know about the other persons finances before any wedding day plans are made.