Slicing the budget is necessary.
I know we’ve all been there….out shopping and something catches your eye, and next thing it’s in your cart. I know, because I’ve done this too.
But if we make a conscious effort not to put the item in the cart, if we play little tricks with our minds such as, if I think I still want/need the item in a week, then I’ll come back and get it…. I’m sure you won’t be back for it (you may not think of it again).
This eliminates spending on the cost of the item, and you can save that money instead.
Always remember to pay yourself first.
After allotting money from your take-home pay for necessities, then set aside money for savings. Incidentals come last, if at all. Learn to live frugally, at least for a while until you get in the swing of sticking to your budget. Once you get caught up with outstanding debt, and are in complete control of budgeting, then maybe you could get a treat.
Successful budgeting will become as easy as breathing. I promise.